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Top-Rated Dog Parks (USA) updated Thu Dec 30 2010 11:58 pm CST

From tree-lined trails to surf-splashed, sandy shores . . . beautiful dog parks, specifically created for our dogs to roam around off-leash, is becoming ever more popular in the United States.

More than 700 animal parks have been built across the nation . . . it’s reported that there is at least one dog park in (or near) almost every major city. And if there’s not one in your neighborhood yet, just wait, it shouldn’t be too long before one is established near you!

With so many wonderful locations for dog owners to take their pets for a day of fun in the sun, its not easy to narrow the list down. Some parks have doggie playgrounds, others had swimming pools for dogs, and yet other locations put on shows and events for dog lovers.

Source: Squidoo: Top-Rated Dog Parks (USA)

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